Looking to book podcast interviews with the influencers your audience trusts?

Let's start the podcast Guesting process!

2 + 3 =

Our clients book podcasts like…

Hashtag Authentic


The Self Publishing Show

Praise from Clients and Podcasters

As the co-founder of a popular podcast for creative entrepreneurs, I get between 10-15 pitches per week.

Usually about 10 are complete junk. The small bit left are decent, maybe even bordering on slightly interesting. Brigitte’s pitch was AMAZING.

So much so that I not only booked all the guests she would send me as soon as possible, but a few weeks later I begged her to take me on as a client! Anyone who can win me over like that is someone I want to learn from and grow with.

Christina Scalera

Co-host, Creative Empire and Founder of The Contract Shop

I tried the DIY route for a while. I had my assistant create a list of popular podcasts, I wrote a template pitch email, and I had her send out a few pitches a week for a year. The result? Two interviews in 12 months (with people I already knew!).

Within the first 30 days of working with Podcast Ally, I already had 2 bookings as well as a healthy list of “please follow up later” responses. Just ONE new client that results from these interviews will more than pay for the Annual Tier. It’s a no brainer!

Lacy Boggs

The Content Direction Agency

I was never a big podcast listener, but I had an opportunity to be interviewed on Grace Bonney’s After the Jump to talk about a passion project of mine. Imagine my surprise when I logged into my website the day after the interview aired and saw that it was my single biggest day of traffic ever!

I’ve made booking podcast interviews a priority ever since.

The team at Podcast Ally are constantly recommending podcasts that are a match for me and suggesting new interview angles to keep me in front of my audience. I don’t have to worry about a thing!

Megan Auman

Jewelry Designer, Metalsmith and Founder, Designing an MBA

Before I hired Podcast Ally to book interviews for me, I had taken a PR course with their founder, so I knew the care they take in finding the best podcasts to match you with and developing story angles.

But what I didn’t anticipate was how fun the message development process would be. It really helped me to refine my own message and pick out stories to give life to my interviews.

On top of this, the notes and preparation materials I received before each podcast interview are wonderful. They are so comprehensive and they really help pacify the nerves before an interview.

Millie Blackwell

Author, Co-Founder and President of Showcase Workshop

Podcast Ally is one of the only sources of guest referrals I trust, because it’s clear that Brigitte and her team actually take the time to listen to my show, understand my audience and make a connection to how the guest can serve my people.

That kind of consideration is rare!

I appreciate that their recommendations are always customized to my show.

Dr. Michelle Mazur

Host, The Rebel Uprising Podcast

The Podcast Ally team was able to land interviews I never would have gotten on my own, and they gave me expert debriefings for each appearance, so I was prepared to take advantage of each one.

Author Accelerator ended up bringing in $50,000 of business from podcast appearances they booked for me. It was a huge success!

Jennie Nash

Founder, Author Accelerator

Wildbit is a small company competing against massive corporations, so for us, PR is an important recruiting tool. I’m also always looking to talk to other founders about our culture, as my main focus as CEO is creating an environment that allows our team to do work that’s meaningful and fulfilling.

Podcasts are an ideal venue for both of these goals. In many cases, the hosts are other CEOs and founders, and I’m able to share the culture and purpose behind Wildbit in my interviews.

I feel a lot of pride in the podcast interviews I’ve done, and it’s energized our team as well.

Natalie Nagele

CEO and Co-Founder, Wildbit

We’re so grateful to have had your mindful approach to promotion on The Desire Map campaign.

You helped us look at every angle and to make choices that really fit with what we stand for.

You’re a class act.

Danielle LaPorte

Author, The Desire Map

I wanted to let you know that it’s encouraging to have someone suggest a guest for my podcast, who actually thinks about what my podcast might want before they ask.

This puts you guys ahead of a lot of the other people who pitch to me!

Andrew J Chamberlain

Host, The Creative Writer's Toolbelt Podcast

Want to see what Podcast Ally could do for you?